Our Policies

OnPath Energy is a leading UK renewable energy developer with a growing portfolio of onshore wind, solar, and energy storage projects across the country. We believe that our approach to development is what sets us apart, and a strong policy framework is how we embed responsible, sustainable practices into our development pipeline.

How we work

Here is where you can find the list of policies which govern our standards, how we work with others, and what we expect from those who work with us.

As we continue our transition from Banks Renewables to OnPath Energy over the coming months, we will continue to update our policies and host them on this webpage. In the meantime, as a portfolio company we will be closely aligned to Brookfield’s policy framework and where an OnPath policy is yet to be finalised, we will be led by the Brookfield policy already in place.

Anti-bribery & corruption policy

Our anti-bribery and corruption policy applies to any person or entity that performs services on behalf of the company and sets outs our commitment to conducting our business with honestly, integrity and in full compliance with anti-bribery and corruption laws.

Modern slavery statement

Our modern slavery statement underlines our commitment to conducting all aspects of our business in an ethical, responsible manner which supports the protection of human rights.

Vendor code of conduct

Our vendor code of conduct applies to any individual or entity providing goods or services to OnPath and describes the minimum commitment to ethical business practice we expect to be adhered to as a pre-requisite to working with us.

We are currently in the process of developing our own Vendor Code of Conduct and until this is ready, we will continue to adhere to the existing Brookfield Policy as a portfolio company. 

Environmental policy

Our environmental policy sets out the objectives we have set ourselves as part of our commitment to the highest practicable environmental standards throughout our projects. It is designed to protect and enhance the natural world and support sustainable development throughout our portfolio.

Business code of conduct

 A business code of conduct establishes the kind of behaviour you can expect from everyone at OnPath and we are currently in the process of finalising our own. As a Brookfield portfolio company, our code will be closely aligned to theirs and until we have finished our own, we will continue to work in accordance with the Brookfield policy, listed here.

Health, safety & wellbeing

At OnPath Energy, we are committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of our people, business partners, and contractors both on and off site.

Our overall aim is to foster a culture of safety and compliance with industry regulations, safeguard our people at work and promote a safe, productive workplace for everyone.

Below you will find our HSW policy as well as our contractor’s obligations as outlined by Brookfield.

Healthy, safety & wellbeing policy

Our health, safety & wellbeing policy outlines our commitment to maintaining a safe work environment, through clear responsibilities, robust systems and a culture that prioritises the physical and mental wellbeing of our people, and those that we work with.

Contractor’s HSS&E obligations

These are the health, safety, security, and environmental (HSS&E) obligations contractors must meet when working with us. It includes guidelines on training, site assessments, project-specific safety plans, emergency procedures, and specialised safety measures.