Our commitment to landowners

We partner with landowners, helping you create more value from your land. By leasing your land for renewable energy projects, you can diversify and secure your income, play a pivotal role in the renewable energy transition, and create real lasting benefits for your local community. 

Join the renewables transition

Are you looking to create more money from your land while playing a pivotal role in the renewable energy transition? Do you share our vision for helping the UK achieve net zero emissions through a green energy future? 

OnPath Energy works with landowners, sharing our expertise and renewable energy solutions to help maximise the long-term value from your land by diversifying it for renewable energy projects. 

Onshore wind and solar power are among the fastest growing energy sources in the world. They are also an essential part of the UK’s strategy for achieving country-wide net zero targets. Storing the renewable energy they generate, through BESS, is vital for ensuring a constant supply, whatever the weather.

Opportunities with OnPath

Why work with us? 

We believe in developing long-term partnerships with landowners based on trust and integrity. We use our experience in developing challenging and complex renewable energy projects to help you maximise the value of your site and generate long-term, secure revenue streams. We’re with you every step of the way, providing our guidance and expertise from the first meeting, throughout construction and into an operational asset. We remove risk from by covering the development costs. 

  • We deliver  
    We operate 10 windfarms across Northern England and Scotland with a combined capacity of 220MW renewable capacity annually.
  • We have a strong track record and bold ambitions  
    We have planning permission for 400MW of renewable electricity generation, with a further 560MW in the planning system and 2400MW in the development pipeline
  • We fund the projects 
    OnPath Energy fully fund the development, de-risking your participation in the project. 
  • Long history of community engagement
    We place community engagement at the heart of our projects. We actively engage and listen to communities, giving everyone the opportunity to shape our plans and become an important part of the process. 

Benefits for landowners

Hosting renewable energy projects on your land offers a variety of benefits, including financial rewards, long-term security, environmental stewardship, and a community benefits package.

Financial benefits

You can gain a steady income stream by leasing your land for an OnPath renewable energy project. Depending on the location, you may also be eligible for tax incentives or subsidies for hosting renewable energy developments on your property, further enhancing your financial benefits.

Long-term stability and security

Lease agreements for renewable energy projects often span several decades, providing you with long-term financial security to you and often the next generation.

Environmental benefits

Hosting wind, solar, or BESS projects on your land means you’re playing a direct role in helping reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change by displacing fossil fuel-based electricity generation.

Ecological benefits

Renewable energy projects can have significant nature positive ecological impacts, such as habitat restoration, biodiversity enhancement, and reduced water consumption compared to conventional energy sources. No two projects are the same, and we will work with you to tailor a nature positive solution to work in harmony with your existing business, providing a legacy for your land and the communities within which it is a part of.

Community benefits

The local community is at the absolute core of our projects and will benefit via job creation, stimulating economic development and providing substantial community benefits funds. These funds enable financial support for local community groups, voluntary organisations and nearby environmental projects.

Is my land suitable for renewables?

Size: For our wind farms, we typically look for upwards of 600 acres. Single landownership or a collective of adjoining land parcels of up to five landowners may typically be considered suitable for onshore wind development. For solar, we look for 100 acres or more. For our Battery Energy Storage Solutions (BESS) sites, we can work with much smaller areas.

Topography and location: The nature of onshore wind sites varies across the country. We can quickly assess your land against wind speed data and technical constraints to check suitability. Solar sites perform best on either relatively flat or gentle southerly-sloping land, with the ideal being south-facing. If large parts of the land are very steep or north facing, there are challenges with both logistics and the performance of solar farms.

We typically position our BESS on industrial estates or in close proximity to existing electrical infrastructure. We can also co-locate BESS with our solar and wind projects.

“Douglas and Angus Estates has worked successfully, over 10 years to bring the Middle Muir Wind Farm to fruition. We chose to work with the OnPath Energy team because of their unique track record in energy projects, their professionalism and compatibility with the individuals involved, who saw the project through from start to finish. As a result, we are now working on our second wind farm together.”

Henry Birch Douglas and Angus Estates

“The OnPath Energy team and Glasgow Airport worked together successfully in a positive and collaborative way to deliver a cutting- edge radar solution at the airport that not only enabled the Kype Muir project to be delivered, but also potentially provides mitigation for many other sites in the central belt of Scotland. The radar project and, for that matter, the wind farm would not have progressed if not for the drive and desire from the OnPath team and Glasgow Airport to make it happen.”

Ross Nimmo Glasgow International Airport

The OnPath Energy team has and excellent track record of successful renewable projects in Yorkshire that deliver not only for the landowner, but for the local community, economy and the environment. The team at OnPath has taken the time to understand my needs and those of the local community, which has led to a relationship that is based upon trust.

Charles Hartley Landowner at Common Farm Solar Energy Park in Rotherham.

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