OnPath Together for our future
We build long-term partnerships based on integrity and trust. We invest in local economies. And we believe strong governance is key to a robust future.
OnPath Together with our business partners
We are committed to ensuring local businesses, landowners and the local economy benefit from our projects. We prioritise contracts with local businesses for the development and maintenance of our renewable energy projects, and we partner with landowners, sharing our expertise and applying the latest innovations, helping them to create long-term value from their land while playing a powerful role in the renewable transition.

OnPath Together with business partners
Our commitment is to
- Listen to understand your needs and work collaboratively with you
- We build long-term partnerships based on integrity and trust
- Support each other to work sustainably and ethically
- Work with you to source supplies locally and create local value

Working sustainably, ethically and locally
Our commitment: To support each other to work sustainably and ethically.
We encourage and work with our suppliers to achieve excellence in sustainable and responsible business practice. We strive for full transparency across all social and environmental aspects of our value chain.
Our human rights policy and modern slavery statements commit us, and our suppliers, to protecting and upholding the rights of those we impact from our direct operations and through our supply chain.
OnPath Together
Working together to source supplies locally and create value.
We commit to contracting with local companies, organisations and groups wherever possible and we encourage local businesses to join our supply chain. We strive to ensure our commitment to the local economy is enshrined in projects, our contracts and our partnerships.
We prioritise working with local business, both upstream and downstream in our value chain, and we have established a systematic approach to developing local supply chains.
We seek out companies that are committed to similar values of working sustainably and ethically, spreading the benefits and economic opportunity of our projects right the way through our value chain.
Find out how we embed these commitments into our tendering process.

Our governance
Risk management
We conduct a thorough materiality assessment with a range of internal and external stakeholders to identify the most important environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics, risks and impacts.
These ESG-related risks, and the opportunities they present, will be reviewed by the OnPath Board each year, beginning in 2024. This process was previously conducted by the Banks Group.
Management of identified ESG–related risks and opportunities is then embedded in the project management framework and business planning processes.
Over the coming months, we will be busy developing our standalone ESG policy with clear targets and objectives based on the issues most important to our business, as defined by the materiality assessment described above.
As part of Brookfield, our approach to ESG will continue to be closely aligned to their policy, the latest version of which can be viewed on their website.

Policies that guide our business conduct
We have developed numerous policies and statements to guide our conduct across our operations and business partnerships. Our policies are based on our core values and aspects of our sustainability approach, and key international frameworks, conventions and guidance, such as the the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Our policies include:
- Anti-Corruption and Bribery Statement
- Companies Act 2006 S172 Statement
- Environmental Policy
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy
- Human Rights Policy
- Modern Slavery Statement
- Privacy Policy (including data management and GDPR compliance)
- Quality Policy
These policies form part of our wider Employee Code of Conduct and Supplier Code of Conduct, which detail the expected business standards to which we expect all of our employees, suppliers, contractors and other business partners to adhere.
Employees and contractors are trained on responsible business practices and are required to achieve a 100% pass rate (re-takes are allowed).
As a responsible business, OnPath Energy commits to paying its fair and legal share of tax to support the wider UK community and economy, and strives for complete transparency in its financial reporting.