Nature and the environment
Find out how our proposal for Lethans Wind Farm will benefit local nature, wildlife and biodiversity.

Environmental assessments and wildlife surveys
The project team start thinking about how a project interacts with its environment at the very outset of a project and undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment to guide the design process.
The proposed Lethans Wind Farm is located in an extensive area of commercial forestry. To minimise the amount of forestry being felled we are looking to keyhole the turbines into the forestry, which means that we will only remove the trees around the turbines and the infrastructure, leaving the reminder of the forest intact.
We have also conducted detailed wildlife and bird studies of the site and commissioned external experts to analyse over two years of data. This helps us understand the local wildlife and how we can build benefits into our designs that support and enhance local wildlife and biodiversity.
After construction has been completed, we make sure the natural environment is re-established and improved upon through methods such as habitat management plans.