Project plan

Discover our vision for Barnsdale Solar Energy Park. Learn more about the project, view the designs and other useful project documents.

Why this site

After undergoing a detailed land search, the south-facing Barnsdale Solar site was identified as having the best characteristics for a solar park that links directly into the electricity substation adjacent to the site. 

The local electricity grid has sufficient capacity to accommodate our proposed solar farm. The site is well screened with mature trees and hedgerows, which we will supplement with new planting. An existing access point off Barnsdale Road will be used as the entrance to the development meaning no new roads need to be created, minimising any disturbance for local residents.

Design considerations

As part of our detailed planning approach, we conduct a wide range of assessments to understand the full potential impacts of our projects on local communities and the local environment. For the Barnsdale Solar site, we conducted the following assessments, with the full results accessible in the Barnsdale Solar Park Planning Application which included:

  • Landscape and visual impact: A Chartered Landscape Architect assessed the landscape and the visual effects that would result from the proposed development.
  • Archaeological assessment: We conducted assessments in full accordance with guidelines prepared by the Institute for Archaeologists and Historic England to determine any potential direct impact to buried archaeological remains through ground disturbance and the potential indirect impact to designated heritage assets through changes within their settings.
  • Ecology and ornithology: We conducted number of specialist ecological and ornithological surveys to gain a full understanding of the ecology of the site and the sensitivity of the species in the surrounding area. The site is adjacent to Kippax Meadows Local Nature Reserve and is not part of any internationally designated areas for nature conservation.
  • Noise: An assessment of the noise generated by the operational phase of the proposed development has been carried out in accordance with BS4142. 
  • Flood risks: A flood risk assessment has been carried out and considers the appropriateness of the site, in terms of flood risk and drainage, for the proposed development. 
  • Glint and glare assessment: This assessment examined the possible effects upon surrounding road users and dwellings as well as aviation activity associated with Leeds Bradford Airport. A high-level aviation assessment was also carried out for Leeds East Airport. 
  • Geology and ground conditions: The site layout has been informed by initial geological assessments.

Our path to success

Here’s an overview of the current and potential project timeline.

Nov 2020: Planning application submitted complete

We submitted our proposal for the Barnsdale Solar Farm to Leeds City Council.

October 2021: Planning application granted complete

We successfully gained planning permission for the Solar Farm.

May 2023: Second planning application submitted complete

We submitted a further planning application to Leeds City Council to host battery storage at the site.

2024: Late summer / early Autumn progress

Commencement of development on site access..

2024: Identifying contractors and suppliers

We’ll be working with local businesses as much as possible to construct the solar farm and are currently identifying contractors and suppliers.

Project features

Artistic rendering of solar panels.
Solar Panels

The solar panels will be manufactured from silicon and glass on a metal backing. Subject to agreement with Leeds City Council, the finish and colour of the panels is likely to be dark blue or black. The panels will be approximately 3.55m at their highest point.