County Durham village coming together for Christmas with support from OnPath Energy wind farm fund
This event will be one of the highlights of the village’s year and the funding we’ve received from OnPath Energy has been a real lifeline…
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This event will be one of the highlights of the village’s year and the funding we’ve received from OnPath Energy has been a real lifeline…
OnPath’s generous grant has helped us create a new community asset that’s going to provide more opportunities for local people for many years to come.”
Morris dancing is great exercise, we have a lot of fun and we’d love to see more people joining in with us.
“The care and support provided by the team at St Teresa’s Hospice has a huge impact to the quality of life that hundreds of families…
The group’s members are really enjoying learning the skills that will help them create the memorial and it’s also helping to create new connections within our community…
The two North East wind farms owned and operated by renewable energy firm Banks Renewables
The two North East wind farms owned and operated by renewable energy firm Banks Renewables